Thursday 29 October 2009

Close Your Eyes And See What You Believe.... xo

At work, had another early morning training session. Wasn't as good as yesterday though but atleast i trained lol!! Suppost to be training again tonight but i don't feel to. It's my friend Octavia's birthday today so we're going nandos..... bring on the chicken!!! :D loool! Not going till later this evening though. Happy Birthday Occy!!! Finally 18 woooooo!!! Legal Raver now lool!

Didn't get to sleep till half past 3 this morning, i hate seeing someone close to me hurting, i really don't know what to do, as im not really sensitive to that area, i don't know what to say. Had alot of home truths thrown at me, but you take it on the chin, take note and stay humble. If you have the belief in yourself to stay strong then you will, if you truely believe in yourself. Mind over matter! People need to realise when they're onto a good thing, why would you waste so many years of love and affection, a family. i just can't get my head around it. An ex is an ex for a reason, never step back always carry forwards.

Life is a game that you have to play to the best of your ability, ride out the up's and down's and make the best out of everything you do, hard work is the key! Life will throw the deepest downs and the highest ups but it depends on your strength and self belief as to how you deal with them that will determine the outcome.

Food for thought; a friend on my facebook said; "RELATiONSHiPS: If you are in a relationship but have no commitment! It is with 100% certainty your partner would appreciate you ruining their day with the truth, than their future with your lies...Honesty is the greatest asset to a relationship"........... I don't even need to comment, it's self explainitory. Relationships can be messy but not if there's trust and honesty, obviously, trust has to be earned, you don't just trust anyone automatically, it's earned!

Right now; i'm so happy. & i can't tell you why because i don't know myself.... Im not questioning it!!

Heres a link for a really good song; Posivity :D

Heres the Drake version - The originals better though :D

Oh Yeh;
Facebook ; Mo-Mo Lynch Hung
Twitter; NeekyBrown

As of 1st January, I will be back in the game :D so watch this space, just lining up the movements! Had enough of people asking me for ideas and help and then they'e moving forward with my idea and motive!!....... U NARHHHHH MEANNNN!!!!!

Peace Out; My Lovies xo


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