Wednesday 28 October 2009


Im driving myself mad, i keep over - thinking everything....don't ask me why because i honestly don't know! I'm being pesimistic because when you build things up and come to expect alot from something and it doesn't come through you feel crap. I don't want to feel crap.

Anyways, just had a very interesting phonecall that was kinda deep, it encouraged me to write a blog so thought i'd write a blog before i go to sleep, listening to Jill Scott 'A Long Walk' ...... really love this song! Perfect song to reflect on my day! Not really been a good day to be honest, family drama, all im going to say is KMT.. (kiss my teeth)! Lool! Felt like the whole worlds been against me today.... brave face brave face!! It's funny how people don't listen to what i tell them, then when it happens they come running back to me..... 'oh u was right'....... SIMPLESSSSSSS!!

Tomorrow is a new day, make it better than yesterday!; Tomorrow will be a good day; i will make sure!!!

Now listening to Joe 'If I Was Your Man'

Oh yeh; xbox gamertag - monmon187 - Add me :)

But yeh, just had a very intriging phonecall, Boys are so sneaky, but so are girls. Don't get me wrong i think that both sexes are just as bad as each other. But boys are more decieving, infact no, thats not a fair comment. Both sexes are decieving but boys are 'bait' compared to the females. A boy can tell you he loves you and be thinking of someone else but so can a girl. Basically, the point im trying to make is never completely believe anything anybody says to you, until you see action/proof of what they're saying. People use the word love too commonly in this day and age, it's like saying hello. Too many females and even males are falling for the whole 'love' game. Love is simply an infactuation of the mind. How can you tell a girl you love her and then still be seeing/linking other girls..... this i can't get my head around... why mess with sponge cake when you've got apple crumble and custard at home?! ... LOOL! Gosh; pure greedyness!!!

Just ate fish and chips and i feel sooooooooo bad, i feel like i should go downstairs and jump on the running machine level 10 minimum.... lool! but im too tired!!! Early morning workout again in the morning!! 6 STUPID AM!! So why am i not sleeping now?! For some odd reason, this is my creative time, this is when i feel most creative from 10pm onwards lmaoo mad i know!

New Topic in the morning... just need confirmation to confirm i can write about it first though.

Nite Anyways; My Lovies xo


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